JC JCID V1SE Programmer for IPhone 7 IN 1 Full Set
JC JCID V1SE Programmer for IPhone 11 12 Mini 13 Pro Max 14 Photosensitive Original Color Touch Shock Fingerprint Battery Repair

JC Phone Reading Programmer V1SE Face ID 6 in 1 JCID Photosensitive Original Color Dot Matrix Board For Iphone Ture Tone Repair
1. Read screen info, battery info and fingerprint serial number automaticlly
2.Repair Truetone with/without the original screen
3.Read and write Logic/baseband chip, dot projector data, 12 series screen data
4.Detect receiver FPC
5.Touch/Brightness/Vibration repair
6. Read, write and repair battery data
7.Battery passes the i4 test
8.Clear battery charging times
9. Analyze phone crashes
10.Support multiple function boards extension
11. Connect to phone and read original factory info such as screen code, battery code, fingerprint serial number, etc. One key repair.
Below V1SE new boards don't support JC V1S ,
If you don't have the V1SE or V1S PRO Programmer , it's useless for working.
1. V1SE 12-14 true tone repair board
2. V1SE 7-11PM photosensitive/ vibration true tone board
3. V1SE XR-12PM wide angle camera repair board
4. V1SE 8-13PM receover FPC test board
5. V1SE 12-13PM rear caemra read and write board
Please contact us for confirmation before you make the order.